São Paulo Cathedral Picture 10

More information on São Paulo Cathedral Photo by: Rodrigo_Soldon
São Paulo Cathedral
In 1913 began the construction of the Cathedral as it is today, drafted by German Maximilian Emil Hehl, Professor of Architecture at the Polytechnic School.
The first version of the church was established there in 1591, when the Indian chief Tibiriçá chose the land where the temple would be the first city built in rammed earth (wall made of mud and straw punched structured in logs).
One of the five world's largest neo-gothic churches, the cathedral was reopened in 2002 after three years of reforms, and has returned to daily mass. In addition, there are now guided tours on Sundays from 12 h to 13 h.
Opposite to the Sé Cathedral is the Ground Zero of the city of São Paulo. The small marble monument in hexagonal shape, built in 1934, provides a road map departing from Sao Paulo bound for other states. Each of its sides symbolically represents another state of Brazil: Paraná (Araucaria), Mato Grosso (clothing dos Bandeirantes), Santos (ship), Rio de Janeiro (Sugar Loaf and its bananas), Minas Gerais (deep mining materials) and Goiás (panning, material surface mining).
Sé Cathedral
Cathedral Square, s / n - Centro - São Paulo (Metro)
Phone: +55 (11) 3107-6832
Hours: During the week open from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm
Mass: Monday and Friday at 9am to 12:00 noon and 6:00 pm
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 12 noon and 6:00 pm
Saturday: Open from 8 am to 5 pm
Mass: 12 noon
Sunday: Open from 8 am to 1 pm and 6:15pm
Masses: 9 am, 11 am and 17.
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