Casa das Rosas Cultural Center Picture 2

More information on Casa das Rosas in São Paulo Photo by: Peace_
Casa das Rosas in São Paulo
Casa das Rosas (The House of the Roses) Haroldo de Campos - Poetry and Literature Space is a Cultural Center located at 37 Avenida Paulista, one of the last houses in the country's busiest boulevard. The dreamlike atmosphere of the old building and its garden, in contrast with modern urban structure translates the real meaning of the place: a refuge where all poetic expression finds its space. A territory where artistic freedom is embodied by soirées, readings, book launches, plays, exhibitions and anything else that promotes the spread of poetry and art in general.
The poetry finds a home of completely democratic space where it intends to discard prejudices and any negative paradigm about poetic art. It is also the country's first public space for the poetry when it was baptized as Haroldo de Campos Poetry and Literature Space in honor of the poet from São Paulo, who died in 2003.
The house mixes construction methods of different times, the so-called "eclectic style," with Art Deco influence also. Built in an area of 5,500 square meters, the house has 30 rooms in the French architectural style. Casa das Rosas adds elements of the Renaissance and Louis XV, which included standards and rigor of the Greco-Roman architecture, the so-called neo-classicism. The interior of the house is even more eclectic, it combines decorative English, especially in the applications of gypsum in the Adam style, Hepplewhite, Chippendale and Shareton in its 30 rooms, clearly divided into social area, and intimate service.
Casa das Rosas was declared public property by Condenphaat (Council of Defense of the Historical, Archaeological, Artistic and Tourism of the State of São Paulo), felled in 1985.
Casa das Rosas Cultural Centre
Haroldo de Campos Poetry and Literature Space
Avenida Paulista, 37 - Bela Vista - Zip.: 01311-902 - Sao Paulo - Brazil
Phone: +55 11 3285.6986 / +55 11 3288.9447
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