Circo Voador Picture 2

More information on Circo Voador Photo by: Everaldo Vilela
Circo Voador
Rua dos Arcos s / n - Lapa
Tels: (21) 2533-5873 / 2533-0354
The main objective of the Flying Circus is to renew and redeem the Brazilian culture through a program that unites education and artistic events. Besides the concerts, the area offers workshops and seminars.
Activities undertaken since the Flying Circus 80's helped to transform the cave into a hub of cultural tourism, whose main thrust is to promote diversity and innovation of artistic production. The structure and visual identity of the area were remodeled, but the Flying Circus has never lost the spirit stripped of cultural production and creative Rio.
It all started in January 1982. The setting was the beach Arpoador, worshiped by the cream of Carioca culture then. It was there that the Flying Circus raised his blue and white canvas for the first time. Fruit of the yearning for a huge wave of artists in need of space to reach the general public, the Circus was a major lever for many groups, honored today. The first step was taken by theater groups created from the courses taught by members of the Hasdrubal brought the trombone. Perfeito Fortuna, Patricia Travassos, Evandro Mesquita, Regina Case and Luis Fernando Guimarães are? Grandparents? Perchance the Banduendes Fried, Live Alive and Very Well Laid & Body Scenic Our Lady of Navigators. These groups and the sons and Manhas Manias, and Ombu Abracadabra, that beautiful afternoon of Jan. 15, joined five hundred artists and mad, a frenzy of creation, formed the First Stop Flying Surpreendamental. Leaving the Square of Our Lady of Peace Arpoador toward tip, the event attracted a tail of astonished passers-by who could now believe it is possible to dream, to be cheerful and irreverent at times of great darkness. The first landing was given.
At first, the assembly would only last one month (during which various art activities developed), but it lasted three months and it still was the need? Rapa? disassemble and remove the structure. This band, led by Perfeito Fortuna, came out in the field seeking magic formulas that would give continuity to what was so good. It was there that, even without the liner, the Circus has not stopped. He encouraged joint efforts in Hills Complex of German. Many homes, daycare centers and neighborhood associations have been built and assembled, inspired by the circus troupe healed Without Bag.
Joint has not failed to make his second landing Circus? Amadrinhar? by baby Zoe Chagas Freitas. Until the City has earmarked some of their land so that a Flying Circus was chosen and installed. The terrenão wasteland opposite the Arcos da Lapa and the Circus interest earned its place, serving as a space for the creation and presentation of everything that was going to explode in terms of art and popular culture.
It was like that. In twenty-three in October 1982, fifty-four royal palms were planted and the second did contribute Surpreendamental Stop Flying under the arches of bohemian Lapa, clear and amazing Flying Circus.
Designed and managed by Perfeito Fortuna, and Marco Sette Calvão Mauritius, Circus pioneered initiatives that are now imposed on the cultural and social landscape of our country. The Circus also crossed borders. Mal-it-yourself nursery and there was already a circus: the Nursery Apareche. In the heyday of the circus children lived and interacted with many rehearsals and performances of circus, dance, music of all styles, and plant and harvest the vegetable garden planted near the fence.
The vocation of the members of the circus to pursue common interests and join other pioneering work made it happen that would later become common. With its serious irreverence, the Circus has managed to join the State Government, Department of Works, Cedae and Residents Association of the Escondidinho Morros, Santa Teresa, to perform basic sanitation projects, in which the residents worked and were paid for government.
And the circus did names. As the forefront of space for all arts, all trends are presented. Many took their first steps there, doing shows for the first fifty people and then, right there for three thousand: Red Baron, Keith Urban, Blitz, Paralamas do Sucesso, Capital Inicial, Boden, Deborah Colker, Intrepid Troupe and many others. Besides launching the Circus has also brought to the general public artists of past generations, but with talent to the surface. This happened with Angela Maria, Cauby Peixoto, Luiz Gonzaga, and Adoniran Barbosa, among others, Tabajara, which kept the Flying Domingueira for fifteen years. Famous for memorable parties that gave this city, many stood out for the originality of the issues and causes that. One of them certainly was in memory of someone who was there or heard of it: Tancredance. Capoeira was another activity that embraced the Circus. Teachers and participants from around the world gathered in? First National Meeting of the Art of Capoeira? and? Rio Samba Capoeira I Meet?.
The Flying Circus gave birth in 1985 and flew by bus to Sao Luis do Maranhao, making memorable stops in Victoria, Islanders, Petrolina and Teresina. The objective was, with the metal and canvas sponsored Funarte, the general animation of the local culture and, in the spirit of the Flying Circus, put the artists on stage.
Not satisfied, in 1986, the World Cup in Mexico, there was the Circus towards Guadalajara on a Varig plane and a Hercules carrying the FAB two hundred artists and their sound equipment, lighting, film, video, visual arts, circus, theater, rock groups, pop, dance and photography. The people of that city certainly never was so astonished by the charm produced by this troupe of crazy, either in the gym where the circus was set up in the street with parades in the city center or in the stadium, where the battery has not stopped a second.
After all these adventures, the Circus has rocked the night in Rio for a long time, until in 1996 closed its physical ports to be struggling with debts and court by its physical structure is unable to keep nearby residents safe from the unbearable noise . Nevertheless, the spirit of the circus across the street and is still alive and incorporated more than ever, in the Progress. Witness the testimony of St. Sebastian, who throughout his life attended the circus on stage, giving his blessing to the artists and audience, and who now also lives in the Foundry.
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