Our Lady of Carmo Basílica and Convent Picture 1

More information on Our Lady of Carmo Basílica and Convent in Recife Photo by: allanpatrick
Our Lady of Carmo Basílica and Convent in Recife
The Basilica and Convent of Our Lady of Mount Caramel was built in 1687 and has Baroque features. In the golden altar, the statue of the patroness Our Lady of Mount Caramel can be contemplated in size on the altar of the basilica, and the art gallery in the annex of the church, with paintings of the eighteenth century. The main altar houses valuable gold crowns and precious stones. It was in this convent, Friar Caneca ordained a priest. Address: Avenida Dantas Barreto, - Santo Antonio. Neighborhood: Downtown
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