Steam World Picture 8

More information on Steam World Park in Canelas Photo by: CesarCardoso
Steam World Park in Canelas
Steam World is a theme park located in Canelas, which brings together several miniature steam engines and puts them on display. The coolest thing is that although they are small, the machines really work. You can find the smallest paper mill in the world, a hydroelectric plant, a mini-steel factory, and a most interesting mini-brick factory, which creates real brick and tiles. All very tiny, all very interesting.
Monitors offer explanations through the exhibit and at the end of the tour you can sit on a train, pulled by a steam-powered locomotive.
Hours: Open daily from 9:15 am to 5:00 pm, except Wednesdays.
Open on Wednesdays during January, July and December.
Cost: R$ 14.00 (adults), R$ 7.00 (students, senior citizens and children between 6 and 15 years), Free for children under 5 years.
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