Santander Cultural Picture 2

More information on Santander Cultural in Porto Alegre Photo by: Ze Carlos Barretta
Santander Cultural in Porto Alegre
Santander is a cultural institution of Santander Brazil, formed by the banks Santander and Real, focused on the integration and dissemination of the diversity of languages and artistic-cultural. Committed to contemporary culture, with the knowledge and the socio-economic development, operates in the fields of visual arts, music, film and reflection. Committed to the integration of various social, Santander Cultural works through strategic partnerships with areas of cultural production in Brazil and internationally.
Since its inception in 2001, Santander Cultural showed 20 major exhibitions of visual arts, thousands of screenings, festivals, seminars and courses, and hundreds of concerts, workshops and masterclasses. There were 28 000 operations in seven years, coupled with over a thousand models of partnerships an audience of about 3 million people - equivalent to approximately 1200 visitors per day. The educational actions, specifically, in this period had the participation of 412 000 students and teachers.
Shares in Santander Cultural allow the partnership to promote culture, education and citizenship from Porto Alegre, in line with the main socio-cultural movements worldwide, with emphasis on social responsibility and the pursuit of sustainability. In the first half of 2008 held its 18th exhibition of visual arts, FILE - Electronic Language International Festival, in partnership with Hi Future, which occurred simultaneously in Rio de Janeiro and Porto Alegre.
And has also promoted, the show TRANSFER_cultura urban. contemporary art. transfers. Transformations, which proposed a reflection on the culture produced in the streets of cities, both in Brazil and in other parts of the world and brings together key icons of urban art. Shows Gilberto Freyre - Performer of Brazil and Ariano Suassuna: Iluminogravuras - Aesthetics Armorial, which opened in November 2008, showed a design innovation of exposure to the general public from the works and careers of thinkers and writers. The shows remain on display until February 2009.
Among the visual arts exhibitions held throughout these seven years, it is worth noting, too, the first major exhibition of contemporary art produced in recent years the collection of Gilberto Chateaubriand (Today is the Brazilian Contemporary Art) and the show with 200 works of Catalan artist Joan Miró (! Miró fancy!).
Cultural Santander is housed in a historic building in the heart of the capital city, the Square Customs. A building in neoclassical style of 5,600 m2, dated 1932, was elected in 2008 by popular vote as the most significant architectural heritage of Porto Alegre.
A successful strategy for the management of associative Santander Cultural - to form alliances with several segments of society, playing the role of an institution of the third sector as an agent of integration and social development - has been recognized by the 2007 Top Marketing Award in the category Segment Market / Culture in Rio Grande do Sul, in addition to other awards.
Have an educational focus and transfer of knowledge present in all activities of the institute was recognized by the 2008 World Summit Creatitvity carried out in Taiwan (China) in early June, such Latin American example of how creativity, culture and arts in education can contribute to the development of strategies to meet the global challenges of our time. The initiative is organized by the World Alliance for Arts Education, and involves the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) among other institutions.
Address: Rua Sete de Setembro 1028, Praça da Alfândega, interssection with Rua General Câmara, Porto Alegre
Phone number: (51) 3287-5500
Hours of Operation: Monday to Friday, from 10am to 7pm; Weekends and holidays from 11am to 7pm
Admission Fees: FREE admission
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