Parque Natural Morro do Osso Picture 2

More information on Parque Natural Morro do Osso Photo by: Pedro Henrique Slompo
Parque Natural Morro do Osso
The Morro do Osso, with 143m high, is part of the chain of granite hills in Porto Alegre city and is located near the shore of Lake Guaíba. It has 220 acres of natural area and constitutes an important biological stronghold, virtually isolated by the urbanization of sadness neighborhoods, Ipanema, and Camaquã Cavalhada, adjacent to the hill. From the top of the hill has become one of the most beautiful sights in the city, with Lake Guaíba Jacuí Delta, the hills Santa Teresa, Teresopolis, Agudo, Tapera, the Open and the Ponta Grossa.
Part of the Morro do Osso constitutes the Natural Park of Morro do Osso, with an area of 127 hectares.
The struggle to preserve the Natural Park of Morro do Osso has over 20 years. By presenting a rich biodiversity and remnants of Atlantic forest, the hill led environmentalists in the city, surrounding communities, universities and government agencies to pursue conservation with the creation of the Permanent Committee in Defense of Bone Hill.
In 1979, the park was transformed into ecological preservation area by the city's Master Plan. In 1990, we performed the first eco-tour of the area for preservation and enforcement of the park. In 1994 he created the Natural Park of Bone Hill.
Currently, the park covers an area of 57 hectraes, have been expropriated, with expansion planned by the Master Plan for 127 acres, which will ensure protection of local
Approximately 60% of the natural vegetation of the Morro do Osso consists of forest formations of two types: high forest and low forest. The remainder is composed of herbaceous-shrub communities, formed by rocky fields and the barns and brooms. In upland forest and wet, with strong influence of the Atlantic, we highlight the fig-purgative (Ficus insipida), cinnamon-rust (Nectandra oppositifolia) and cork-da-serra (Erythrina falcata).
The forest usually occupies the low end or the upper slopes of the hill is represented by capororoca (Myrsine umbellata), the mastic-brava (Lithraea brasiliensis), the Sebastiana (Sebastiana commersoniana) and Camboim (Myrciaria cuspidata).
The Morro do Osso also presents some tree species under possible threat of extinction, such as blackleg (Ocotea catharinensis) and cork-colored mountain. Moreover, species with very restricted distribution in Porto Alegre, as sobraji (Colubrina glandulosa).
Survey and studies have found that there is great diversity of wildlife in Morro do Osso. Among frogs, frog stand out from the pit (Bufo dorbignyi), the marsh frog (Hyla pulchella), frog Creole (Leptodacylus ocellatus) and Weeping Frog (Physalaemus gracilis). Among the reptiles are lizards with yellow chat (Tupinambis merianae), green lizard (T. oculatus), snake-dick pope (Philodryas patagoniensis), true coral (Micrurus altirostris) and painted jararaca (Bothrops neuwiedi).
Besides these species, Morro do Osso were recorded about 65% of birds found in Porto Alegre. You can view species of forest open edge of the woods and fields, especially the blacksmith, thrush (Turdus subalaris) juruvia (Vireo olivaceus), hopper (crowned Warbler) and woodpecker (Veniliornis spilogaster). In addition, the site hosts rare birds such as little buzzard (Accipiter striatus), the short-tailed hawk (Buteo brachyurus) and the hummingbird-de-pompadour (Stephanoxis lalandi).
Some mammals, such as small rodents and rare species such as auburn monkeys (howler Alouatta clamitans) and hedgehog (Sphiggurus villosus) were also identified at the site.
Address: Rua Irmã Jacomina Veronese 35, 91760410 Porto Alegre
Phone number: 51 32633769
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