Mário Quintana House of Culture Picture 6

More information on Mário Quintana House of Culture in Porto Alegre Photo by: Ze Carlos Barretta
Mário Quintana House of Culture in Porto Alegre
This House of Culture is located in the place where the Majestic Hotel used to work. Mario Quintana, one of the country's most important poets among the group of contemporary ones spent most of his life here. Hence, this house became a symbolic building in Porto Alegre. Nowadays, this house is one of the city's major attractions not only because of its eclectic architecture, but also because it offers cinemas, exhibition halls, theater, rehearsal room for dancing, and libraries.
The Mario Quintana Cultural House is an institution linked to the Ministry of Culture / Government of the State of Rio Grande do Sul.
The Casa de Cultura Mario Quintana opened in July 1980 with the purchase of the old building of the Hotel Majestic, by Banrisul, during the government of Amaral de Souza. The deal was done so that the state government could buy it, since the government lacked sufficient resources to cover the actual value.
On December 29, 1982, the state government acquired the Majestic from Banrisul and, a year later, the building was listed as heritage, starting from then its transformation into Casa de Cultura. In the same year, through the law of 8 July 7803, it was named Mario Quintana, becoming part of the then Undersecretary of State for Culture.
The traditional spaces of Casa de Cultura Mario Quintana offer movies, music, visual arts, dance, theater, literature, workshops and events related to culture. They honor the great names of the culture of Rio Grande do Sul: Gallery Augusto Meyer, Bruno Kiefer Complex, Teatro Bruno Kiefer, Eduardo Hirtz Room, Library Erico Verissimo, John Fahrion Space, Auditorium Luis Cosme, Disco Nato Henn, Room Paulo Amorin, Romeo Grimaldi Space, Space Vasco Prado, Armando Library Albuquerque, Teatro Carlos Carvalho, Elis Regina Space, Space Fernando Corona, Lucilia Minssen Library, Space Maurice Rosemblatt, Norberto Lubisco Room, Room Gnattali Radames, Galeria Sotero Cosme, Galeria Xico Stockinger.
Phone: (51) 3221-7147
e-mail: ccmq@ccmq.com.br
Business hours
Monday from 2pm to 9pm:
Tuesday through Friday from 9am to 9pm
Saturday and Sunday from 12pm to 9pm
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