Joaquim José Felizardo Museum Picture 2

More information on Joaquim Jose Felizardo Museum Photo by: dirceu1507
Joaquim Jose Felizardo Museum
Joaquim Jose Felizardo Museum, Historical Museum of Porto Alegre, has as its headquarters the Solar Lopo Gonçalves, built between 1845 and 1855, at the former Rua da Margem) (now João Alfredo), with architecture of Luso-Brazilian influence to be "residence on the estate", resting place of the Portuguese merchant family Lopo Gonçalves, on weekends and holidays.
Lopo Gonçalves exercised twice the political activity of city councilman, was the Santa Casa de Misericordia founder, with other traders, the Commercial Association of Porto Alegre, and founder and President of Bank of the Province. In the mid-twentieth century, Solar Lopo Gonçalves became known as Magnolia House, due to the presence of a magnificent specimen of this tree in the garden in front of the Solar. On December 21, 1979, the building of the Solar Lopo Gonçalves was listed in the book of the Fall Historic Hall of Porto Alegre. As one of its first directors stated: "The building itself is part of the museum."
Brief History of the Museum
The Museum of Porto Alegre was created by Decree 6598 of 13 March 1979 as the Municipal Museum, at the initiative of the Nile Ruschel historians and Walter Spalding, to meet specific historical background about the city of Porto Alegre. Its first office was in a building on the street Lobo da Costa, between 1979 and 1982, pending the restoration of the Solar Lopo Gonçalves. In 1980, the restoration of the manor began, which opened in 1982 as headquarters of the Museum of Porto Alegre. In 1993, the Museum of Porto Alegre is now called Joaquim José Felizardo, in honor of the historian and creator of the Municipal Culture (Law No. 2386 of December 23, 1993).
Mediated Visits
The Museum offers tours of the Exhibition "Urban Transformations: Porto Alegre Montaury to Loureiro, which covers the early history of urban development plans and major works carried out in Porto Alegre between the years 1897 and 1943, for public schools and private educational institutions and others, always with prior appointment via e-mail the following times: Tuesdays and Thursdays in the morning and pm and on Saturdays in the afternoon.
The museum also offers mediated visits in the night shift on Thursdays by e-mail, by prior appointment. The groups should have scheduled the maximum of twenty (25) participants, depending on the physical space of the museum, and if they are minors they must be accompanied by guardians. Admission is free.
The Museum's Collection
The Joaquim Jose Felizardo Museum has under its care three important collections on the history of Porto Alegre: the historical, the photographic and the archeological collection.
The historical collection consists of about 1,300 pieces, relating to donations of objects from Porto Alegre citizens, of the late nineteenth and twentieth century. These are objects of diverse nature, property belonging to rulers of Porto Alegre, parts of clothing, musical instruments, furniture, among others, belonging to citizens of Porto Alegre.
The photographic collection consists of approximately 20,000 photographs, slides and negatives, assembled in Fototeca Sihon Breitman. They are part of the photographic collections of the photographers featured in nineteenth century Porto Alegre, among them Barbeitos & brothers, Virgil and Brothers Calegari Ferrari, collections of photographs of the Carnival, the collection Eva Schmid, the collection of Countess Gisela Bastian Pinto Ribeiro, among others. Part of the collection is already digitized.
The archeological collection includes 120,000 pieces, including fragments and whole objects, referring to sites of prehistoric and historic city of Porto Alegre. It is ceramic, lithic, parts washer, glass, metal, leather and bone.
Research at the Museum
The Museum has a Digital Archive room, which makes available to researchers around 5,000 pictures of Porto Alegre in the nineteenth century in its self-service. Each investigator may copy, without charge, up to 10 digital pictures of the city in the nineteenth century. To schedule a research and information, contact by e-mail
Phone Number: 51 32267560
Hours of Operation: Tuesday to Friday, from 9am to 11:30am and from 2pm to 5:30pm; Saturday from 1:30pm to 5:30pm
Admission Fees: FREE admission
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