Arte do Rio Grande do Sul Museum Picture 2

More information on Rio Grande do Sul Art Museum Photo by: Ze Carlos Barretta
Rio Grande do Sul Art Museum
To keep, to contemplate, to store, to search, to inspire. Of all these important actions taken by a museum institution, I daresay that the latter is more crucial for the current management of the Museum of Art of Rio Grande do Sul, because to be a space in the service of society and its development with an aim of study, education, enjoyment and physical evidence - as defined by the International Council of Museums (ICOM) - motivation is a fundamental attitude.
MARGS is considered a major art museum in the state and one of the most important in the country, having in its Collection nearly three thousand works of local, national and internationa artists, having hosted over a thousand shows throughout its fifty years of existence.
Built in 1954 (Decree No. 5065) and organized by artist and professor Paulo Ado Malagoli, MARGS is an institution of the Ministry of Culture that emerged soon after the implementation of similar projects of national stature, such as the Museum of Art of Sao Paulo (MASP, 1947) and the Museum of Modern Art of São Paulo (MAM-SP, 1948) and Rio de Janeiro (MAM-RJ, 1952). In Porto Alegre, the period was marked by the influence of the Institute of Fine Arts and the groups Engraving Club Association and Francisco Lisboa.
The foundation of MARGS therefore goes back to a period of vibrancy and commitment to the cultural base of the community, which is necessary to establish and maintain a Collection, in addition to meeting the demands of a diverse audience. Because it is an art museum, the institution also has the task of being on constant lookout for new demonstrations and artistic productions. Perhaps because it is a museum of fine arts it should not be understood as a static place, but a space for cultural expression, while it is a technical reserve of the treasures of society.
In short, MARGS lies between the traditional and dynamic, and intends to remain so. Besides being an inspiration to fulfill the role of a museum, it also aims to foster contacts, either through the records of the human imagination, or a transformative social practice. More than Mouseion - temple dedicated to the Muses of Greek mythology that inspired the arts - MARGS wants to be a house of inspiration for people who attend it, a space to open doors for human relationships, with their heritage stretched between the present, past, and future.
Phone Number: 51 32212646
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