Ceará Museum Picture 1

More information on Ceara Museum Photo by: BeteMaciel
Ceara Museum
Museum of Ceará, located in Fortaleza, houses a collection of more than 13 thousand pieces on the history of the people of Ceará. Among coins and medals, there are paintings, furniture, archaeological, Indian artifacts, flags and weapons.
Some objects relate to historical facts, such as slavery, the abolitionist movement and literary movements, such as the famous Spiritual Bakery. There are also pieces of folk art and a collection of strings published between 1940 and 2000.
Many pieces are arranged in thematic exhibitions such as Memorial Frei Tito de Alencar, who has personal belongings of Tito de Alencar Lima; popular religiosity, which exposes parts related to religious Father Cicero and Blessed Joseph Lawrence; indigenous peoples, indigenous Brazilian culture objects , among others.
Prices: Full: R$ 2.00 Half: R$ 1.00. On Tuesdays and holidays, admission is free.
Phone: +55 (85) 3101-2610 Fax: +55 (85) 3101-2611
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
Address: Rua São Paulo, 51 - one block north of Ferreira Square, Center
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