Santo Antônio de Lisboa Picture 1

Santo Antônio de Lisboa in Florianopolis

More information on Santo Antônio de Lisboa in Florianopolis Photo by: Renata Diem

Santo Antônio de Lisboa in Florianopolis

The beach is found within the district of Santo Antônio de Lisboa, and part of the general area of Florianopolis, the capital of the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina. The Santo Antonio de Lisboa beach, 750 meters long and 2-40 meters wide, is an internal and small beach with calm sea and yellowish sand, with some grayed stretches due to the outflow of small streams. It begins in the North, in the Quilombo creek and ends at the tip of a stone known as Pedra do Padre. At 13 km from the center of Florianopolis, in the evening, you can see the lights from downtown reflecting on the waters of Santo Antônio de Lisboa. Other nearby beaches include Barra do Sambaqui, Cacupé, and Sambaqui.

The neighborhood has a large concentration of restaurants of typical food, with a good number serving seafood dishes.  The abundance of restaurants brings people from other suburbs of Florianopolis to the district for lunch on the week-ends.   Don't forget that lunch is considered the large meal of the day in Brazil.

The fishing is a source of attraction for tourists and lovers of good food. The cultivation of oysters and shellfish supplies several restaurants with menus based on seafood. The activities of fishing, especially shrimp, are present, and mariculture of this beach is the precursor of this booming activity.

Location: 13 km from the north of Florianópolis Island, between the beaches and the Sambaqui e Cacupé.

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Santo Antônio de Lisboa in Florianopolis