Palmares Cultural Foundation Picture 2

Palmares Cultural Foundation

More information on Palmares Cultural Foundation Photo by: Ministério da Cultura

Palmares Cultural Foundation
Founded in 1988, the Palmares Cultural Foundation is a public institution under the Ministry of Culture that aims to promote and preserve the african-Brazilian culture. Concerned about racial equality and the value of the manifestations of African origin, the Palmares formulates and implements policies that enhance the participation of black people in the process of development of the country Fruit of the Brazilian black movement, the Palmares Cultural Foundation was the first federal agency created to promote the preservation, protection and dissemination of Black culture. Become a national and international reference in the formulation and implementation of public policies of black culture is one of the main goals of Palmares, which operates in three main areas to promote the inclusion of african-Brazilian population in the list of direct provided by the Constitution, the social and artistic, and information management. The palm is responsible for the preservation of tangible and intangible cultural african-Brazilians. But to understand what that means, it is necessary to understand the concept of each one. Material assets are the physical cultural property, which can be accessed or visited. According to their nature, can be classified into four major groups: a) archaeological and ethnographic landscape; b) history; c) fine arts; d) applied arts. These four groups are divided into real estate (urban and archaeological sites, for example) and mobile (archaeological collections, museum collections, documentary, bibliographic, archival, videographic and photographic). But the intangible cultural heritage is defined by UNESCO as "the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge and techniques and also the instruments, objects, artifacts and places associated with them and the communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals who recognize themselves as part of their cultural heritage. " It is transmitted from generation to generation is constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and its history, creating a sense of identity and continuity. That is, given its characteristics, in many cases, abstract, classification is more difficult. However, with greater reliability represents its community of origin. In Brazil, the body responsible for tipping of cultural goods and the protection of tangible and intangible cultural heritage is the Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage (Iphan). In the Palmares Cultural Foundation is responsible for the actions related to cultural african-Brazilian, proposing and supporting programs and projects of recovery and protection of same. Today there are 16 intangible cultural assets registered in the country, some of them protected also by Palm, as the Bahian acarajé in Bahia, the headquarters of samba and capoeira. Among the many material goods african-Brazilians, there is the Serra da Barriga in União dos Palmares (AL), where the Quilombo dos Palmares Memorial Park. The Foundation coordinated the revitalization of the site and supports the celebrations for the National Day of Black Consciousness that occur there. Representations: Alagoas, Bahia and Rio de Janeiro. Adress: Commercial Sector Sul - Quadra 09 - Park City Corporate Ed - Tower B - 2 º Floor- Brasilia / DF - Brazil - CEP: 70308-200 Phone: +55 (61) 3424-0100 Fax: 55 (61) 3226-0351

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Palmares Cultural Foundation

Palmares Cultural FoundationPalmares Cultural Foundation

Palmares Cultural FoundationPalmares Cultural FoundationPalmares Cultural FoundationPalmares Cultural FoundationPalmares Cultural Foundation