Mercado Ver-o-Peso Picture 8

Mercado Ver-o-Peso market in Belem

More information on Mercado Ver-o-Peso market in Belem Photo by: CasalMALY

Mercado Ver-o-Peso market in Belem


The Mercado Ver-o-Peso has long been a leading attraction in Belém and this market earned its name when historically it was necessary to 'check the weight' (ver o peso) of produce for tax purposes. The iconic structure housing the market has a particularly interesting history, since it was actually made in England, shipped over and finally assembled in 1901. If you are shopping for seafood, then be sure to arrive early, when the boats are unloading the day's catch.


The Ver-o-Peso is the largest free fair in Latin America. It is located in Old Town on the shores of the Guarajá Bay. Inaugurated in 1625, was a tax warehouse, where it mediated the exact weight of the goods to collect tax for the Portuguese crown.


The market is part of a landscape and architectural complex which covers an area of 35 square meters, with a number of historic buildings, among them the Iron Market, Meat Market, Clock Square, the Wharf, the Açai , the Ladeira do Castelo, (Castle Hill), the Solar da Beira and the Fisherman Square. The set was listed by IPHAN in 1997.


The most important tourist attraction in Belém is a plate full of news, colors, aromas and flavors for all who enjoy the food! It is a place to sample the aromas and flavors of the amazing and diverse Amazon! The Ver-o-Peso market sells everything from vegetables and a variety of fruits, all types of flour, dried shrimp and fish, handicrafts, natural medicines, herbs, live and dead animals, beans and grains and so on.


There are many stalls where you can prove the products right there and local dishes such as duck in tucupi,  tatacá, maniçoba, tapíoca flour based famous dishes, various beans, etc., and quench your thirst with tasty local fruits juices. The market is well organized and separated by type of food, for example, the stalls of flour are all nearby making it easier the purchases. 


Hours: Daily - 05:30am to 8:30pm

Cost: Free

More Photos of Mercado Ver-o-Peso Picture 8

Mercado Ver-o-Peso market in Belem

Mercado Ver-o-Peso market in BelemMercado Ver-o-Peso market in Belem

Mercado Ver-o-Peso market in BelemMercado Ver-o-Peso market in BelemMercado Ver-o-Peso market in BelemMercado Ver-o-Peso market in BelemVer-o-peso Market in Belém