Anhatomirim Island Picture 5

Anhatomirim Island in Santa Catarina

More information on Anhatomirim Island in Santa Catarina Photo by: CasalMALY

Anhatomirim Island in Santa Catarina

Anhatomirim Island

Anhatomirim Island (Indian name) is located in North Bay, near the continent and now part of the municipality of Governador Celso Ramos.

Its strategic position - at the entrance of the North Bay - was responsible for building the Fortress of Santa Cruz in the eighteenth century, setting the third vertex of a triangular system of defense, has formed the Fortress of São José da Ponta Grossa and St. Anthony of Mice. This system should protect the bar north of the island of St. Catherine of foreign investment - mainly from Spain - and consolidate the Portuguese occupation of southern Brazil eighteenth century.

In 1894, during the Federalist Revolution, this island served as a basis for arrest and shooting of the rebels against the government of Floriano Peixoto (in the Fortress of Santa Cruz). In 1907, now belongs to the Navy Department and returned to be used as a prison in the outcome of the Constitutional Revolution in 1932. It worked like Fortress to the end of World War II, when the emergence of new technologies of war, became obsolete as a military unit. It was thus disabled.

To the south of the island is a small beach and a pier for landing.

Access to the island is possible via the service of schooners, departing from different points of Florianópolis - mainly Canasvieiras the pier, the pier of the bridge and under Beiramar Hercílio Light can also make the crossing to the beaches of whaling Jurerê , Canasveiras, Daniela and Praia do Forte, located north of Florianópolis, and also by the Beach Antenor (the continent).

More Photos of Anhatomirim Island Picture 5

Anhatomirim Island in Santa Catarina

Anhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa Catarina

Anhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa CatarinaAnhatomirim Island in Santa Catarina