Natal Travel Information
Before you arrive for your Natal vacation, pre-book your transportation and avoid expensive taxis and unreliable public transport. The English-speaking representative will greet you when you clear airport customs and take you directly to your hotel.
Upon arrival at the airport in Natal, look for your last name on the personalized sign! Travel in comfort and safety to your hotel in Natal. On your return trip, you'll be picked up at your hotel and transported to the airport in time for your flight.
Arrival Information - you mus include the following flight and hotel details in the 'Special Requirements' box:
- Airline
- Flight Number
- Departing City
- Arrival City
- Arrival Time
- Hotel Name and Address
Departure Information - For your return journey, you will be met at your hotel and taken directly to the airport for your departure flight. At time of booking, you must advise the following information:
- Airline
- Flight Number
- Departing City
- Arrival City
- Departure Time
- Hotel Name and Address
Duration: 60 minutes
Starts At: Natal, Brazil
Est Price: Starting from $30.30 per person
Rating: star