More information on Espaco Pasargada
Description: Espaco Pasargada
It was the manor house No. 263 Union Street, Pasargadae space today, where the poet Manuel Bandeira lived most of his childhood, from six to ten years. The neoclassical style mansion, owned by Flag's grandfather, inspired several of his poems.
On April 19, 1986, the day of birth centenary of the poet, the familiar house of Manuel Bandeira was opened under the name Space Pasargadae. The building, built in 1825 and listed by the State Government through the Foundation of Historical and Artistic Heritage of Pernambuco, in 1983, started to function as a space to preserve the work of the poet and the promotion of literature, with activities such as mapping of poets Pernambuco and writers living and dead, poetic recitals, book launches and a printer, who published during the 1990s books by authors of Pernambuco, in addition to posters, newsletters and books related to literature.
Currently the Space Pasargadae is configured as a center of experience and literary production and, since April 2009, hosted the Coordination of Literature Fundarpe. Takes action to promote literature in the house - open to research and literary events - and beyond - through exchanges and partnerships with other groups and spaces connected to literature and culture in general. Each month, a writer Pernambuco Pasargadae elects to be subject of a week of activities to celebrate the work of the honoree, involving diverse languages such as cinema, theater and music.
The room has a Pasargadae literary studies, with a small library of literature and Pernambuco collection that brings together the complete works of Manuel Bandeira, biography, studies and videos about life and work of the poet.
Visiting hours: Monday to Friday (from 8h to 17h)
E-mail: pasargada.fundarpe @ gmail.com; ddcultural@fundarpe.pe.gov.br
Information: 3184.3091 / 3184.3092
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