More information on Arquivo do Estado
Description: Arquivo do Estado
In the district of Santana are stored relics that tell the history of São Paulo. The Public Archives of the State of São Paulo is one of the oldest institutions of São Paulo. There you can find documents related to the basements of the military dictatorship, which belonged to the former state Department of Social Policy Order (DEOPS) and private collections of former governors and presidents, such as Julio Prestes, Washington Luis and Adhemar de Barros, and photos of Guilherme Gaensly, one of the most important Brazilian photographers of the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, among other treasures.
Founded in 1891, the institution aims to formulate an initial state policy files, collect, process and make publicly available any material of historical character produced by the Executive Branch. Since then, it started coming to store documents of both the departments of State and the Judiciary, as well as registries and files private in nature, comprising a rich collection for research and help in the rescue of the public memory of São Paulo.
The Public Archives of the State of São Paulo has agreements and partnerships with numerous institutions, public and private, national and international to promote the development of technical project and dissemination of its collections as well as to contribute to the formation of academics, researchers and specialized professionals . Among its partners are the State Public Prosecutor, the Press Gazette, the Brazilian Cinema and the University of São Paulo - USP.
Currently the Public Archives of the State, one of the country's largest, is linked to the Secretary of the Civil House of the State of São Paulo. The institution has a collection of approximately 6,000 meters of linear textual documentation permanent, 17,000 meters of intermediate documentation, an iconographic collection with over 1.5 million images, lots of newspapers and magazines and a 45 000 volumes library to support research.
Public Archives of the State of São Paulo
Avenida Cruzeiro do Sul, 1777 - Santana - São Paulo (Next to Metro Tiete)
Phone: +55 (11) 2089-8100
Site: www.arquivoestado.sp.gov.br
E-mail: consulta@arquivoestado.sp.gov.br
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and 4:00 pm the time limit for requesting material.
Free admission.
Photo by: c.alberto
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