
More information on Forte Beach, Salvador Bahia

Forte Beach, Salvador Bahia
Description: Forte Beach, Salvador Bahia
Located 70 kilometers from Salvador, Praia do Forte has 14 km, being full of natural beauty to behold and a variety of entertainment. The border has palm trees, white sands, coral reefs and crystal-clear sea full of colored schools. Around it are must-sees, as the Garcia D'Ávila Castle, the first Portuguese construction of residential architecture in military Brazil, the national headquarters of the Tamar and the Humpback Whale Institute. The village center is closed to vehicular traffic and the main street, called the Alameda Sun offers numerous shops, restaurants, bars and cafes, rustic style but with great refinement and sophistication. Due to the great visitation of tourists worldwide, Praia do Forte has an excellent tourist infrastructure, with many resorts, hotels and hostels and high-class, excellent restaurants, both typical Bahian cuisine and international cuisine. Praia do Forte attracts audiences of all ages because it offers the water sports like surfing, windesurf, ocean fishing and canoeing, as well as colorful fish swim to enjoy the natural pools of warm and transparent waters, the beaches of the "Lord "and" Papa-Gente. " In the months from May to June, you can find giant sea turtles swimming and between December and February you can participate in the exciting process of releasing the baby turtles into the sea. In the period from July to October, Praia do Forte receives the humpback whales that enchant tourists with its exuberant acrobatics. ATTRACTIONS Garcia D'Ávila Castle Considered the first Portuguese construction of residential architecture in military Brazil, has medieval features, being the only building of its kind in all America. It is one of the main monuments of historical and cultural heritage of Brazil, began construction in 1551, by Garcia D'Avila, who arrived in Bahia in 1549, the first governor-general, Thomé de Souza, the storekeeper in charge of the royal crown. It was abandoned in 1835 and has appeared in ruins in the mid-nineteenth century. Represented today by its ruins, which were fully restored, the building is attractive as the Chapel of Our Lady of Conception and walkways that have a beautiful view of Praia do Forte to Itacimirim. The castle is three miles from the village of Praia do Forte and access is by road to the Green Line. TAMAR PROJECT The national headquarters of the TAMAR-IBAMA, created in the 80's to study and protect sea turtles on the Brazilian coast, is located in Praia do Forte. This base is responsible for monitoring 30 km of beaches, protecting nests of four species, and is the most well-equipped visitor center in the country, composed of open museum, multimedia, video, aquariums, tanks, permanent exhibition of photographic panels, TAMAR goods store and two restaurants. Between tanks and aquariums are 600,000 liters of seawater, with copies of the marine fauna of the region and four of the five species of sea turtles that occur in Brazil, at different stages of life cycle. The information is distributed throughout the center, through panels in Portuguese and English and, if doubt still occur, simply turn the guides, junior. Between December 15 and February 15, visitors can also track the release of offspring at Praia do Forte. Humpback Whale Institute Between July and October, humpback whales species enjoy warm waters of Praia do Forte to breed and nurse their pups. Tourists can take tours of sailboat at sea, accompanied by biologists from the Institute, to the contemplation of mammals. Before boarding, the professionals give a lecture on the species. The tour lasts about six hours, aiming to know the habits, customs and lives of whales and ecosystem bushes. Any explanation is made by biologists of the Institute is translated into English. HOW TO GET THERE By plane: The nearest airport is in Salvador, 90 miles. Car: From the South / Southeast: access by road from Coco Coming from the Northeast: the Green Line access Bus There is a company that makes the trip Salvador - Praia do Forte, with regular hours. Exit various shipping points in Salvador, including the International Airport.Photo by: deltafrut

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Forte Beach, Salvador Bahia

Forte Beach, Salvador BahiaForte Beach, Salvador Bahia

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