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Sociedade Cultural Auguste Rodin
Description: Sociedade Cultural Auguste Rodin

Lgo Graça 292, 40150060 Salvador

71 33371032

THE VILLA OF CATHARINA PALACETE ARTS RODIN BAHIA The Commander's Palace Catharino Bernardo Martins, also called "Villa Catharino" had its bold architectural design and innovative, designed by architect Rossi Baptista and decorated by Oreste Sercelli, being completed in 1912. Expressing the desire that the bourgeoisie had the Bahian to the modernization of the way English and French, the so-called "Catharino Palace", situated in the district of Grace, represents the strongest economic power of some families from Bahia, and in this particular case highlights the artistic grandeur of a monumental architectural work, where more than residence, also served as an instrument of rare artistic enjoyment to the inhabitants of the ancient city of Bahia. On June 9, 1986, the overturning of the "Villa" or Catharino Palace was proposed by anthropologist Thales de Azevedo and approved by the State Council of Culture, becoming the first building of eclectic style tumbled by the Institute of Artistic and Cultural Heritage of Bahia (IPAC), Decree 33,252, under case 004/82. After tipping, the palace housed the State Department of Education and Culture and the State Councils of Education and Culture, to be destined to host the Rodin Bahia Palace of Arts in 2003. For this purpose, the building was chosen by a set of favorable characteristics, one being the fact of saving a relative similarity with the Hotel Biron, where it is installed the Paris Rodin Museum (building of the seventeenth century), since the style eclectic French guard strong architectural references. With the new proposed use, the palace received a major restoration project and adaptation, with some scaling indoors and recovery of all its structural and decorative elements. Adapted to an attachment to the mansion of modern architectural features, designed by architects Francisco Fanucci and Marcelo Ferraz, which came to be called the Contemporary Room, designed to house temporary exhibitions. A successful project, which in 2006 received the first Biennale of Architecture of Venezuela and the Second Architecture Biennial in Argentina. Were also incorporated into the gardens of the Palace four parts of the sculptor Auguste Rodin, purchased by the Paris Rodin Museum, which now greatly beautify the spatiality of the museum. http://www.palacetedasartes.ba.gov.br/sobre-o-museu/historico Photo by: Fotos Gov/Ba

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Sociedade Cultural Auguste Rodin

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