More information on Jardim Botânico in Porto Alegre
Description: Jardim Botânico in Porto Alegre
The Botanic Garden of Porto Alegre was opened in 1958 with the exhibition of the first collections of palms, conifers, cactus, agave and lily. From 1974 were created botanical collections of tree species (Arboretum) organized by forest formations, botanical families and thematic groups. It has an area of 39 ha.
It is currently considered one of the five largest botanical gardens in Brazil due to the diversity of plant collections, qualification structure and training of its technical and operational.
Seed Bank
The Seed Bank of the Botanical Garden was established in 1999. Currently he is developing research projects with native species of the state related to germination and seed storage, the in vitro propagation and development of seedlings. The Office supports the production of seedlings in the nursery and held meets the demands of the Collections Section.
It has a floor space of 449 m2 with reception room and processing of plant material originated from botanical exploration expeditions, and chambers for storing seeds, laboratories and greenhouses.
Special Collections:
Potted plants grown in greenhouses, divided into nine families and two groups among them, bromeliads, orchids, cacti, begonias, lilies, ferns, and others, totaling 3,000 copies.
It has 3 000 copies and 653 species recorded. distributed in different areas of the Park (Mixed Rain Forest, Tropical Rain Forest, Deciduous Forest and Semi-Deciduous, Savannas, Myrtaceae, Arecáceas, Gymnosperms, Fabales, bignonia, Annonaceous / Rutaceae / Mirsináceas, Aráceas / Araliáceas / Acantáceas, Zingiberales, Plants Scented, Temperate and Tropical Forest, Garden of Mercosur, Garden New Zealand / Australian, Chinese Garden, Melastomataceae / spices, Cacti of the RS, rock garden, Vines RS).
The hours are Tuesday through Saturday at the following times:
Morning: From 8:00 am to 12:00 .
Afternoon: From 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
For further information, phone: +55 (51) 3320-2028
The Botanical Garden is open from Tuesday to Sunday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.
To visit it you can opt for public transportation service through the following lines:
- Botanical Garden Bus - Line 40
- Bus Petrópolis / PUC - Line 476
- T2 Bus Line
- Bus Line T11 (new line)
- Botanical Gardens Bus
The purchase of tickets is made at the box office located in the portico of the park entrance.
Adults R$ 2.00
Adults (over 60) R$ 1.00
Students $ 1.00
Passport (valid for one month) R$ 5.00
Children (under 12) do not pay
Note: Tickets will also provide access to the exhibition hall of the Museum of Natural Sciences.
Address: Rua Dr. Salvador France, 1427 - Botanical Garden
Porto Alegre, BR - CEP: 90690-000
Phone / Fax: (0xx51) 3320-2024
E-mail: jbotanico@fzb.rs.gov.br
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